Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East
Provincial Grand Lodge Installation 2023
The Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Meeting and Installation was held in Lodge Union and Crown No.307 on Saturday 28th January with a total of 117 Brethren filling the Lodge.
PGM Bro. Ronald E. Fraser opened the meeting, thanked RWM Bro. Robert Clark for the use of the Lodge and invited him to the East.
He then welcomed a 16-strong Deputation from Sister Provinces headed by Bro. Gordon W. S. Sewell, PGM of Stirlingshire. Other PGMs in attendance were Bro. William C. Steel, Ayrshire, Bro. Andrew McIlwraith, Galloway, and Bro. Tom Wood, Kilwinning. Other Provinces represented were Dumfriesshire and Renfrewshire West.
A Grand Lodge Deputation of nine headed by RW Depute Grand Master Bro. William H. Gauld was then received and welcomed by the PGM who congratulated the RWDGM on his recent appointment
Obituaries were given on behalf of Bro. Grant Waters, PM of Lodge Captain Speirs No. 791 and Bro. Alexander (Sandy) Balmer PM of Lodge St Christopher No. 1453. Reference was also made to the recent passing of Grand Secretary Bro. David M. Begg.
In his report, PG Treasurer Bro. Clark Leiper noted that in the past year funds had been boosted by a £4,500 donation from the sponsored climb of Ben Lomond by SPGM Bro. Gavin Burt and a £5000 bequest from the estate of the late PPGM Bro, Dixon J. Drye.
The Installation of Office Bearers and Stewards was then carried out in excellent manner by DPGM Bro. Christopher D. Kerr and SPGM Bro. Gavin Burt. The new Past Senior Provincial Grand Warden, Bro. Michael Meldrum, was congratulated by the PGM who commented on his “impeccable attendance” record. Bro. Meldrum was then presented with his PSW Jewel by Bro, Ian Rennie, RWM of his Mother Lodge, Lodge McLaren No.1688.
The Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Almoner was then bestowed on Bro. Douglas Wood PM and Almoner of Lodge Nitshill No. 1478 by PGM Bro. Ronald E. Fraser for services to the Craft over almost 70 years.
The PGM then bestowed the Honorary Provincial Grand Rank of Architect on Bro. Robert Bell IPM of the Lodge of Erskine No. 1566 describing him as “a fantastic visitor and ambassador of the Craft.”
SPGM Bro. Gavin Burt spoke about the new Intender course underway in the Province to take forward the original scheme developed by PPGM Bro. John Miller and PSPGM Bro. Dr. Iain McPhee in 2015.
The first recipients of the new Intender awards – PGM Bro. Ronald E. Fraser, DPGM Bro. Christopher D. Kerr, SPGM Gavin Burt, SPGM Bro. Brian Shields and APGS Bro. Ian Wood – were then presented with their certificates by the RWDGM Bro. William H. Gauld.
The meeting was followed by a Burns Harmony with the Haggis being suitably addressed by Bro. William Fleming PSPGM who entertained the Brethren with two further recitals along with another by Bro. Clark Leiper PG Treasurer.
PGM Bro. Ronald E. Fraser, Bro. Douglas Wood PM Lodge Nitshill No. 1478, Depute Grand Master Bro. William H. Gauld.
PGM Bro. Ronald E. Fraser, Bro. Robert Bell IPM Lodge of Erskine No. 1566, Depute Grand Master Bro. William H. Gauld.