Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East
Prostate Awareness Initiative
Bro John Malcolm PM 1566, PG Scribe N, has developed the initiative in conjunction with all masonic orders in Renfrewshire, the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Renfrewshire, the Provincial Grand Lodges of Renfrewshire East and Renfrewshire West, the Intendancy of Strathclyde and the District Grand Priory of Strathclyde.
The initiative was launched at the Convocation of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Renfrewshire on Saturday 10th June 2023, with representatives of all Renfrewshire orders in attendance.
The overall strategy is one of one masonic family, no boundaries and one aim.
The focus will be an extension of the Make it a Million campaign and this initiative is being fully supported by The Grand Lodge of Scotland, the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, The Grand Imperial Council and The Great Priory of Scotland.
The aim is to raise awareness at a local level regarding prostate disease, which kills one man every 45 mins! To offer a confidential support mechanism for Renfrewshire Masons to discuss the issue and to assist with fundraising to continue the fight against prostate disease.
The already established excellent relationship with Prostate Scotland is central to every activity undertaken.
All informative materials will be available at every masonic premises covering Renfrewshire with local representative taking responsibility for ensuring materials are always available and to direct any person who may seek further assistance. In addition, a cadre of 5 ambassadors covering all of Renfrewshire will be trained by Prostate Scotland and offer confidential assistance.
This initiative is not an alternative to GP services and will never offer medical advice but will act as a starting point for any man seeking advice or assistance.
The joint steering group
L to r RW Dep PGM Chris Kerr, Renfrewshire East. Grand Supt MEC Kevin Pollock. PG Scribe N MEC John Malcolm and RW Dep PGM Paul Docherty Renfrewshire West.
The Masonic Family
L-R RW Dep PGM Chris Kerr, Renfrewshire East, Intendant General of Strathclyde, Grant Macleod, District Grand Prior of Strathclyde Keir G Brown, Grand Superintendent MEC Kevin Pollock and RW Dep PGM Paul Docherty Renfrewshire West.