Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East

Commissioned Office Bearers

Provincial Grand Master

Ronald E. Fraser PM 1688

Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master 

Neil Fraser PM 156

Depute Provincial Grand Master

Christopher D. Kerr PM 370

Substitute Provincial Grand Master

J. Gavin Burt PM 153

Substitute Provincial Grand Master

Brian Shields PM 458

Substitute Provincial Grand Master

Scott J. Bogle PM 156

Provincial Grand Secretary

William McMahon PM 1667

Provincial Grand Chaplain

George Paul PM 1167

Provincial Grand Chaplain

David Taylor MM 617

Provincial Grand Chaplain


Elected Office Bearers 2024-25

Senior Warden -  Hugh Gilmour - 205

Junior Warden - John Lang - 592

Treasurer - J. Clark Leiper - 1218

Almoner - Douglas Fulton - 1359

Senior Deacon - Alex Gemmell - 370

Junior Deacon - Vacant

Director of Ceremonies - Allan R. MacGregor - 1265

Assistant Director of Ceremonies - Jamie Barton - 156

Jeweller - Brian Jones - 1116

Bible Bearer - Andy Thompson - 370

Sword Bearer - Alistair Young - 1359

Assistant Secretary - William Insch - 1170

Piper - Michael Dailly - 1557

Standard Bearer - Alistair McTaggart - 617

Inner Guard - David Fletcher - 1453

President of Stewards - To be Installed

Tyler - Garry Upchurch - 1263


Ian Griffiths - 156

Steven Doyle - 370

Robert Boyd - 1042

Colin Williamson 1170

Raj Sattar - 1706