Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East

PGM and Commissioned Office Bearers Installation

Installation of Bro. Ronald E. Fraser as RWPGM

The Installation of Bro. Ronald E. Fraser as the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East by Bro. William Ramsay McGhee, M.W Grand Master Mason took place on Saturday, 19th February.

Despite the on-going Covid restrictions that drastically reduced the numbers able to attend, the ceremony in Lodge Prince of Wales No.426 in Renfrew was a hugely successful event.

Provincial Grand Lodge was opened, Passed, Raised and Recessed by the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Neil Fraser.

After Provincial Grand Lodge had been resumed, a large Deputation from Grand Lodge headed by the Grand Master Mason was received and the ceremony proceeded with a total of 160 invited Brethren present.

Following the Installation of Bro. Ronald Fraser as Provincial Grand Master, the other Commissioned Office Bearers were also presented and obligated by the Grand Master Mason.

They are: Depute Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Christopher Kerr; Substitute Provincial Grand Masters, Bro. Gavin Burt, Bro. Brian Shields and Bro. Scott Bogle. Provincial Grand Secretary, Bro. William McMahon, and Provincial Grand Chaplains, Bro. Pastor William Shirlaw. Bro. George Paul and Bro. Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson.

In his address, the Grand Master Mason spoke of his delight that, despite Covid restrictions on numbers, so many Brethren were able to be present at this historic ceremony and that Lodge meetings were gradually getting back to normal.

He also commented on the changes that had come about because of the Pandemic such as the use of technology to allow Brethren to communicate on-line which would be of on-going benefit to the Craft.

He also spoke of the £805,000 already donated by Brethren through Grand Lodge to Prostate Scotland and of the millions of pounds worth of help and donations made by individual Lodges to their local communities.

We have so much to be proud of,” he said, adding that there was a need to tell other good men out there of the benefits of Freemasonry and encourage them to join us.

Thanking the Grand Master Mason, PGM Bro. Ronald Fraser said he was very aware of the trust that had been placed on him and the new Commission and pledged that they would do all they could to take the Province forward.

The PGM also took the opportunity to thank the RWM and Brethren of Lodge Prince of Wales for the use of their premises and hard work in helping to set up.

The PGM of Glasgow, Bro. Andrew Mushet, speaking on behalf of eight other visiting Provincial Grand Masters, gave his very best wishes to the new PGM and his Commission.

Following the ceremony, tea, coffee and sandwiches were provided and – in another sign of returning normality – a raffle was held.